Miramar Base Housing • 1956

This is where I lived. I grew up on Miramar Naval Air Station Base Housing. This is a Quonset Hut. I'm not sure if it is better than a single wide trailer. It was very basic. It did have a nice concrete floor. I think this one was about 30 x 50 and we had half of it. A basic 1940's kitchen, a great room, and a master bedroom. My bed was in a corner of the great room. As I remember, we were pretty happy at this point in time. This is my Mom, little brother, and Uncle John and his car.   This is our Red Dodge Pick up Truck. I think it is a 1953 or 1954 Dodge B-Series 1/2-Ton. I think the car is a 1953 Chrysler Windsor or maybe New Yorker. My clues are the back window and the taillight -- Allen English

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